Kamis, 15 Februari 2018

Steps to Prevent Lung Cancer

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Steps to Prevent Lung Cancer


Jakarta, Disease, including lung cancer can be prevented. Well, to avoid lung cancer there are several things that can be done. Anything First prevention, never be a smoker. Second, stop smoking. Because, when someone stops smoking, the cells that become abnormal due to smoking, can still return to normal, said Dr. Elisna Syahruddin PhD, SpP (K) from RSUP Persahabatan.Ketiga, if it is still stubborn still smoking, check dong health with routine . Continue if there are people smoking distop, do not dikiemin aja, added Dr. Elisna on the sidelines of the Forum Ngobras 'Challenges of Early Diagnosis and Life Expectancy Lung Cancer in Indonesia' at Penang Bistro, Kebon Sirih, Central Jakarta, Friday (10/2/2017) Described Dr. Elisna, cigarettes trigger lung cancer in two ways. First, cigarettes contain about 40 substances that are carcinogenic. That's what causes passive smokers who are exposed to cigarette smoke in a long time and constantly also at risk of lung cancer, although he did not smoke directly. Read also: Doctors Respond Claims' It's Old Smoking But Not Taxable Lung Cancer'Then smoke flow to the airway make the cells in the respiratory tract change and then body repair. If you continue to smoke, later dibetulin again, smoked again, supposing 'wrong-wrong pair can happen that triggers an early mutation of genes that cause cancer, Elisna.Later, Dr. Elisna reminded people to recognize the risk factors for lung cancer. Thus, people can know whether they belong to a high-risk, high-risk population (usually with symptoms), and are not at risk. Lung cancer risk factors are age above 40 years, active smoker, passive smoker (exposed to cigarette smoke continuously and in long time), then work in asbebs mining or asbestos processing factory, and exposed to radon gas.After recognizing risk factors, it is hoped that the community will conduct early detection which can also be a preventive measure. This was conveyed by Head of Sub Directorate of Cancer P2PTM Director General of P2P Ministry of Health RI, dr Niken Wastu Palupi, MM. In the risk group, it is advisable to apply a healthy lifestyle and perform routine lung examination and chest X-rays at least once a year. In high-risk groups or at risk for symptoms such as cough, check immediately. See if this is pulmonary TB or not. If TB is evaluated with medication for 1 month. If it improves continue, if not referenced for further examination. In the non-risk group, it is certainly still do a healthy lifestyle, do not smoke and avoid smoking exposure as much as possible, brightness Niken.Baca also: Persistent Cough Prolonged, It Turns These People Taxable Lung Cancer (rdn / vit)





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